PONS Online Translator




The Free PONS Online Dictionary - with Text Translation*** Best Dictionary App of the Year in 2013, 2014 and 2015 (androidmag.de) ***Fast and reliable translations in 40 PONS Dictionaries and in 36 languages
Find the translation you are looking for in our dictionary database with over 14 million words and phrases in entries which our PONS editors edit and certify to uphold the quality that PONS is known for. The languages included in the app are Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Slovenian and Turkish. In addition to language combinations with German you will find dictionaries for language combinations such as Spanish-English, French-Polish or Portuguese-Spanish. You have access to 40 dictionaries in all.If the translation you are looking for is not found in our dictionaries, the app automatically switches to text-translation mode. Within seconds this extra service lets you roughly translate simple sentences and texts for all of the languages of the PONS Online Dictionary plus 16 additional languages such as Hebrew or Japanese.
App Functions at a Glance• Audio pronunciations: Listen to the correct pronunciation of your dictionary translations• Zoom function: Magnify the translation so that you can show it to someone else - especially useful for travel, when you’ve exhausted your repertoire of gestures• Favorites List: Save your often looked-up entries• Search History: Find your most recent searches• Voice Input: Dictate your search term• Copy translations to the PONS Vocabulary Trainer• Copy translations to the clipboard• Translate back into the source language (NEW!)• 40 dictionaries in 20 languages• Dictionary content updated daily• Style and usage information • Machine Translation for 36 languages!
On our web version at www.PONS.com, which is also free, you will find, in addition, verb tables and a vocabulary trainer. With the PONS Vocabulary Trainer, also available as a free app, you can learn your looked-up terms using different practice modes in order to achieve long-term success. Save whatever you have translated to your trainer with a simple click and then practise your vocabulary wherever and whenever you want.
About PONS:PONS Publishing looks back on 35 years of experience in developing language-learning materials in the brand’s characteristic green color. The range covers traditional dictionaries and grammars, audio and electronic language courses, and free online services.www.pons.com